Twin Air Filters PowerSports Filters
Twin Air's patented filtration design, high-quality materials and superior construction deliver maximum
performance and protection. Twin Air filters are the choice of more world and national motocross champions than
all other filters combined.
Company History
Twin Air USA is the exclusive importer, marketer and promoter for Twin Air products in the United States. The company was founded in the Netherlands more than 30 years ago, where the sandy, gritty soil was destroying stock paper air filters and causing big problems for engines. Twin Air developed the solution with its special laminated foam air filters and filter accessories. Today, Twin Air remains at the forefront of powersports filtration technology, making it a perfect partner for AMSOIL. Twin Air is the OEM filter supplier to more than 10 motorcycle companies and manufactures the best-selling off-road air filter in the world.
Solid Construction
Twin Air filters are constructed from two layers of openpore foam that are bonded together to provide maximum filtration and superior airflow. A coarse-foam outer shell is fused with a fine-foam inner core, resulting in a one-piece design that is both functional and durable. It provides continuous filtration and airflow while protecting engines from dirt, dust and sand.
The Twin Air Advantage
Twin Air air filtration products provide dirtbikes and ATVs with maximum intake protection in any riding conditions. The coarse open-pore foam catches airborne dirt, grime and sand, while the fine open-pore inner foam acts as a second filter to trap the smallest particles while ensuring maximum air passage. Twin Air air filters are constructed with an exclusively formulated adhesive that withstands repeated cleanings, even with harsh solvents or gasoline. Their thick, flat-foam greaseless sealing ring ensures maximum contact with the airbox while acting as a breathable gasket for increased air passage.
Cleaning Products
AMSOIL also offers several Twin Air filter cleaning and oiling products. In addition, Twin Air offers
biodegradable products that are popular in this market.
Tack Oils
Liquid Power Filter Oil starts thin for a deep, even penetration, then dries to an even coating. This high-tack shield traps dirt, grit and dust. Liquid Bio Power biodegradable air filter oil is the first biodegradable air filter oil that works in all riding conditions. Liquid Bio Power prevents dirt, dust and even water from entering carburetors. Its alcohol base allows easy, even penetration, then dissipates quickly to form a supersticky, dirt-grabbing shield. Available in spray or liquid form.
Liquid Dirt Remover is formulated to quickly cut through Liquid Power, loosen the dirt and flush filters clean. It will not harden or damage filter foam. Liquid Bio Dirt Remover is a biodegradable air filter cleaner. It can be used with a washing machine or when washing by hand in a bucket. Liquid Bio Dirt Remover is a granular water-soluble cleaner that can go right down the drain without clogging or harming the environment. Spray Contact Cleaner is designed to clean the air box and surrounding areas. It quickly and effectively removes excess dirt and grime.
The System
The System is the full filter care solution. This filter cleaning kit comes with everything needed to clean Twin Air air filters in a sturdy storage box complete with carrying handles. Each kit includes a Twin Air cleaning tub, oiling tub, Liquid Dirt Remover, Liquid Power Filter Oil, contact cleaner and rubber gloves. The cleaning tub is resealable and comes with a filter tray that allows dirt to sink to the bottom, away from filters. The oiling tub allows filters to be submerged for easy, even oiling. When not in use, the oiling tub is resealable, enabling users to save unused filter oil. Buy Maintenance Products
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